Working and want to develop new job skills but starved for time and money? There are alternatives outside of going back to college and taking on more student loan debt but they require investment on your part. This podcast episode explores how to get skill training that can help you advance your career or make that job change a lot easier.

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I’ve always admired those people who say at a very young age they knew exactly what they wanted to do. For the rest of us choosing a career path may require a mid course correction. This can become quite expensive if you have already taken on debt to go to college for something where you now feel stuck or no longer inspires you. The bright side of this situation is that we live in a very connected world and training for new skills is only a computer or tablet away.

Learning something new no longer requires deep pockets. Companies such as and General Assembly offer online instruction that can help you learn to code to take advantage of the social media explosion of content and chart a new career path. Already have a job but want to upgrade your skillset? Sites like Coursera offer online onlinecourses from big name universities and the price is right – FREE. Because they’re online, the courses work around your schedule allowing weekend binge sessions or an hour a night once the kids are in bed. Networking with local groups or Meetups can also help target what skills you need to learn on a more personal level. You decide.

Not sure where to begin? There is so much demand in this area that a number of books have been written on the subject that can walk you through the pro’s and con’s of the process. This episode gives you a few titles but the list is almost endless. There is no longer a need to feel stuck. Informal courses may not be perfect but taking advantage of what is out there can be the golden ticket to give new life to your current career or starting a new one. Learning about them is only a nine minute segment away. Your career will thank you.

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