I continually hear gurus describe the leadership personality and what comes to mind is a wise, encouraging, and supportive individual; when in reality a lot of leaders possess few of those characteristics. No one is one thing, because humans are complex individuals who may excel in one thing and be woefully lacking in others. Leaders are no different. The current podcast looks at that complexity and why people still like to follow them.
According to Daniel Goleman’s Leadership That Gets Results, in a landmark 2000 Harvard Business Review study, there are several effective leadership styles that can also have complexity. See if you recognize someone you work for in this scaled down spectrum.
The visionary
This leader has a vision and is able to instill that vision in others. Passion drives their vision and how it will allow them to influence others. They work to get things done as they promote their vision and themselves in the process. Steve Jobs instantly comes to mind. Sometimes to those around them appear arrogant, and yet, that very arrogance is what drives them to pursue things others thought impossible. Add the idea that they do not seek out teamwork, or at times find it stifling in terms of getting things done and you have someone who is bound to rub a good number of people the wrong way.
The inventor
The inventor also has a vision and is willing to experiment with all manner of things to bring that vision into reality. Theirs is a passion that drives them to seek out and work with others if only for the ideas they can get from collaborating. They possess a singleness of purpose that can cause them to work on their pet project to the exclusion of almost everything else. Some may see them as workaholics and those around them feel pressured at times to follow their lead. Mark Zuckerberg’s finance actually had him sign a contract that he would spend a set number of hours each week with her a week, I think for just that reason.
The Supporter
The supporter is the ultimate team player who works to reduce conflict while offering warmth and encouragement to team members. This leader seems to thrive on the input of those around him/her. Systematic and through, they enjoy being a member of a team and their focus is help oriented. However, their need for consensus and different views can make them seem slow in decision making because they are weighing options and the ramifications of their decisions. Most employees find them a joy to work for, yet will at times express frustration that it takes awhile to get a decision so they can act.
The Detailer
This leader has a plan and lives in fear that some small detail will derail it. As a consequence they prefer structure and tend to shy away from risk. Structure allows them to oversee multiple things at once. They are the “hands on” type of leader overseeing even the smallest detail to make certain things go as they have envisioned them. They have a vision and will bend resources to their idea of how to get there. Employees who don’t mind their control are loyal followers but others might call them “micro managers”. Can you say “The Devil Wears Prada”?
The Realists
Looking for the numbers crunchers that will weigh the odds and provide a million reasons why you should stick to the tried and true? There you will find the realists. This leader also likes a structured environment because it allows them to produce predictable results. Some people enjoy working for them because of their consistency. When presented with something new they will attempt to chart a middle ground to keep the ship sailing along or where possible incorporating new ideas that blend with what is already established. Anyone looking for cutting edge will find them difficult employers because of their limited view of what is possible.
I’m sure you could add more to the list, and that is the point. Too often we are given the all wise and innovative leadership type as a model to the point that those possessing real leadership qualities feel they are somehow lacking. True, we are all works in progress but the leadership styles mentioned tend to work in a number of organizations. Yes, conflict can result when a certain type is in the wrong organization or situation, but each leader is neither all wise nor totally bad, but simply a human being with a good number of qualities that make people want to follow them.
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